

Fake withdrawal notifications from Email

Two days ago, I received a fake email withdrawal notification from a HYIP program called Eternalbit. Now I spare some time to write it briefly for HYIP newbies. This is the original email content below:

$2.60 has been successfully sent to your PerfectMoney account n/a.
Transaction batch is n/a.

Maybe you arealdy noticed that there are two signs of “n/a”. Yes, in most cases, it means that the HYIP admin didn’t process your withdrawal requests from PerfectMoney system and he/she only send the fake emails notifications to confuse you. Of course, this method is very easy to be seen through.

But it needs to be reminded that some HYIP programs may send such fake email notifications, and other programs may only do thing when they sccam so that you won’t receive such emails. The better way for you is to login your ecurrency accountS to have a look at your money on blance.

However, there may be several special cases that when you receive the likely emails, but the programs actually didn’t scam. Maybe it is the reason that there is something wrong with their script, so that the HYIP admins process your withdrawal requests from the ecurrency systems manually.

If you meet other phenomenons which needs to share with HYIP investors or admins, then I will be very happy to receive your emails for comments below.

HYIPer.net » Fake withdrawal notifications from Email

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