

Financial statistics on HYIP websites

Some HYIP investment projects provide a variety of statistics on their websites or in your personal account panel, such as “total investment in the project”, “total withdrawn”, “the biggest deposits”, “information about the latest withdrawals” and so on.

But HYIP industry is a world of lie and deception, so no one should believe these figures. In most cases, these statistics are not real, because they can be fixed or set by the admin easily, mainly for psychological influence on people.

For example, immediately after the HYIP opening, statistics may show that some people have already invested in it or are actively investing. Looking at such statistics, it is much easier to tae a risk to put your money there, knowing that many investors have invested and they are sure to have checked the information. The mass effect is doing its job. Now imagine that you have opened a beautiful site that promises interest significantly higher than the bank rate, and the statistics show that there are no investors, or 5-7 invested about $123. Perhaps, you won’t invest in such a project at all.

Besides, statistics may show, for example, an active growth of the total deposits. Seeing this and even knowing that the HYIP will collapse, you may decide that the HYIP is still far from the peak judging by the statistics growth. As a matter of fact, it may be already in decline or have just stopped payments.

Some HYIP projects use statistics cunningly and take into account real deposits and payments, but only together with the fake ones. You can invest a few bucks and make sure that the statistics is really increased for a few dollars, you appeared in the list of recent additions, and so on. In fact, your couple of bucks could be added to the baseless figure of a few thousand dollars and to the artificially generated list of depositors.

Another statistic that can be found on the HYIPs websites is payments together with the information of how much is withdrawn and by whom. This statistic plays into the admins’ hands. Firstly, looking at how someone withdrew 5-10 thousand dollars, many involuntarily get enthusiastic, and no matter that it is the automatically generated entry, which you cannot check even knowing the wallet number. Secondly, these statistics are needed when the project ceases payments, the forums are already full of negative reviews that the project does not pay, but not all read them. An inexperienced investor may believe that the payments are still made by looking at such statistics, and may replenish the admin’s wallet with his deposit.

Statistics are not always cheating, but to determine where the truth and fiction, You can’t, so it’s best not to trust her and not to focus on it when looking for the best point of attachment and withdrawal.

Even honest statistics can deceive you. The manipulation with names, scales and units of measurement is used very often not only in HYIPs, but in the overall statistics as well. The same figures can show completely different things, and this may not be of malicious intent, you could fail to understand the ambiguous wording.

If you go back to the HYIP statistics, this may be, for example, on the account of reinvestment. Remember the example about the “105% a day.” Let’s say, you’ve invested $100, in a day you have $ 105 on your account and, and you invest the sum for another day. How much will be added to the statistics? $205, that is, both your deposits: $100 and  $ 105, although in reality you have invested only your 100, even twice, but it is one and the same hundred and $ 5 in profits for the first day, that is only $105. The value of such statistics is small.

Even such statistics can give some information, namely the statistics of the last payment.

If the number of different accounts is significantly reduced in the last payment column (“Paid out”), logins start to represent a messy unreadable set of letters or there are only logins that contain the word “monitor”, it is likely that the HYIP has stopped the actual payments to all, except for HYIP monitors that bring them customers and support the statistics with under-the-counter accounts, the so-called “fakes” or “fake accounts” (from “fake” — fraudulent).

If payout statistics was gone, even if it’s hidden under the guise of technical problems, for example, an error connecting to the database, it means that the project has gone scam, i.e., stopped payment with 99% probability.

HYIPer.net » Financial statistics on HYIP websites

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