

When shall you withdraw principal without hesitation in HYIP programs?

Many HYIP investors failed in investment not because they don’t know how to choose qualified HYIP programs, but because they always reinvest in the same program and don’t know when to withdraw principal. Now in this article, I will share my own opinion with you.

There is no doubt that we shall reinvest the principal to make more money in qualified HYIP programs when the first cycle expired. But we shouldn’t reinvest again and again, or else we will lose all principal in the end because all HYIP programs will scam finanlly.

For HYIP which provides short term investment plans, such as “101% after one day” or likely plans whose investment cycle is less than 7 days. Then we should invest at most 1 to 5 cycles from its starting day.

For HYIP which provides medium term investment plans, such as “2% daily for 10 days” or likely plans whose investment cycle is more than 3 days but less than 30 days. Then we should invest at most 1 to 3 cycles from its starting day.

For HYIP which provides long term investment plans, such “3% daily 40 days” or likely plans whose investment cycle is longer than 30 days. Then we should invest at most 1 cycle from its starting day.

Of course, the premise is that you choose the right programs, if you choose fast scam HYIP, then nobody can make money even if they joined it on the first day.

Greedy is the most powerful enemy in HYIP investment, I think nobody disagree with this, so we should control ourselves not only when making money, but also when losing money. For my part, even if a program paid for 100 days, but you only joined the first 10 days and earn 10% profit, then you already succeed although you lose the next 90 days profit.

No one can predict how long a program will last for, even if the admin himself, because there are some unpredictable factors. So we shouldn’t reinvest principal all the time. Let’s remember this rule: in HYIP industry, getting back principal is as important as choosing the right programs.

HYIPer.net » When shall you withdraw principal without hesitation in HYIP programs?

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